Area Action Groups
Area Action Group implements and demonstrates conflict transformation.
This Group provides opportunities for former combatants to develop partnerships with voluntary, community and statutory agencies. ACT believe that training and education are key components of capacity building for individuals, organisations and communities to transform and sustain peace.
As such, ACT members complete an initial training program which is delivered over a 12 week period. This training starts with the individual through self-reflection and self-development processes and ends with the positive contribution they can make within their communities and society at large.
Training is delivered in an environment which is safe, comfortable and conducive to learning. The facilitator(s) work with participants, covering a number of teaching modules from self-awareness, group dynamics and restorative practices to positive leadership roles. Participants are encouraged to discuss their real life experiences, which enables them to explore their role in the past, in order for them to look forward
After the completion of training, ACT members form Area Action Groups (AAG) which are rooted in community development principles. There are currently 8 AAGs across the province, whereby ACT members liaise with the wider community to; establish/build relationships with statutory agencies, community stakeholders, residents and others, to identify issues which require a community development approach.
The work of AAGs to date is reflective of the efforts of former combatants at the grassroots level in their endeavors to assume full and meaningful citizenship, against the backdrop of the policies and mind-sets of those conceding legitimacy to former combatants and their work. All ACT members are involved in the program and the AAGs on a voluntary basis.